Segment No. 030 -- John 2:12

Title:  Yeshua's First Sojourn to Capernaum

Jn. 2:12   After this He went down to Capernaum, He, His mother, His brothers, and His disciples; and they did not stay there many days.

No particular reason is given in the bible for this trip.  Perhaps it is to visit friends or relatives; perhaps it is an exploratory trip, since Capernaum would later become His headquarters.  What is noticeable here is that He is traveling with His family.  This would soon not be the case, as many believe that a rift develops between the Lord and His family, probably over His Messianic claims.  Evidently His mother does become a believer at some point in time before His crucifixion.  There are some indications of that.  But, his brothers are a different story.  They will not become believers until after His resurrection.

Notice here that the Bible says that His brothers are accompanying Him on this trip.  This is another indication that Miriam gave birth to other children after giving birth to Yeshua.  She did not remain a virgin the rest of her life as some churches try to claim.  This is another proof that the claim of Perpetual Virginity of Mary is false.

1 comment:

  1. Please read my article, "Was Jesus/Yeshua An Only Child?"
    It proves without any doubt who exactly were these "brothers and sisters" of Yeshua. It also proves and identifies who the actual parents were of the "brothers and sisters" of Yeshua.
    Here is an excerpt:

    In John 19:25-27 we are told that Jesus, as He was dying on the cross,
    had concern for His mother’s welfare by ordering “that disciple whom
    He loved” to take care of her as he would for his own mother in those
    touching words, “Behold your mother”! As it is a custom of the Jews that the
    care of a parent is passed down to the responsibility of the eldest or closest
    of kin, and seeing then that Jesus was about to die, if Jesus had other
    brothers and sisters as it is commonly assumed, why then did He worry
    about who was going to take care of His mother? There is only one logical
    answer to this question. If Mary, the mother of Jesus, had other sons and
    daughters, then the whole scene on the cross of Jesus handing the care of
    His mother to His chosen disciple would not have had to take place.
    You can request for a PDF at
